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The SpectrumSuperStore Guarantee

As a manufacturer (or service provider), you have agreed to BuilderDepot's agreement when you opened your account. As such, you are obligated to honor your product warranty and the store's warranty statement. Customers may return a product for any of the following reasons:

  1. Did not function upon arrival (Dead on arrival)
  2. Unsatisfactory quality
  3. Unsatisfactory performance
  4. Changed my mind
  5. Did not like the look and feel of the product
  6. Product arrived too late
  7. Also, please note our warranty statement to our store customers:

    "Product warranty is offered by the manufacturers, not BuilderDepot. All returns and replacements occurring after 30 days from the invoice date must be made directly with the manufacturer. Manufacturer's warranties vary on each product. Extended warranties are available directly from select manufacturers. Manufacturer information is subject to change without notice."

  8. Existing Vendors Portal

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